At vielmo architekten we understand BIM to mean much more than just modeling our designs in Revit. BIM means for us to generate the evaluation of all data relevant for planning and construction from the model and to see it as the only source of all information. Interdisciplinary cooperation is, therefore, part of our everyday work with our specialist planners. We ensure the high quality of our models through comprehensive training of our employees. In these training courses, which last several days and are recognized by the Chambers of Architects, our colleagues learn how to work safely with Revit, the way we work, the nomenclature and the tools we use. New developments are taught to all employees at regular intervals. We always support specialization in certain areas and topics.
We are in close contact and constant exchange with the software developers Planworks. Through our regular user feedback, we help to improve BIM and to develop updates with many new features.

Another aspect of our model-based approach is to test our projects in a virtual environment. For this purpose, a VR room is available at our Stuttgart location where two persons can jointly check the current planning status.